Enable your team to function as more than a sum of its parts.

Our team coaching assignments take a systemic approach working with intact teams, executing strategy, enhancing team effectiveness, dealing with change and cascading change in the organisation. Our team coaching assignments have a strong track record for success with projects regularly measuring a positive shift of between 20 – 30% in the measured outcomes.
Why team coaching?
Individual development efforts and coaching often over-estimate the individualistic nature of change. The locus of change resides in the system in which we operate more strongly than in the individuals. Our approach to team coaching uses the system as a mechanism for supporting change rather than it being the obstacle. A systems approach enables a more sustained approach to change in the longer term. We customise our approach according to the team’s needs and draw from a rich toolset.
Our Approach
No two team coaching assignments are exactly alike. Our approach to team coaching utilizes the 70:20:10 framework, is customised and can combine leading leadership development approaches and a web-based framework, including:
- A partnership approach where we work together to understand opportunities and challenges and monitor progress.
- Assessment, diagnostics and 360 feedback
- A combination of individual and team coaching sessions designed to meet the needs of the team with an emphasis on a pragmatic, experiential approach
- practical, experiential on the job application and learning in between coaching sessions
- access to online resources, including leadership theory
- collaboration tools/learning forums with peers via Chronus
Diagnosis and Evaluation
In order to understand the team’s strengths and areas for development it can be useful to create a baseline and assessment. As well as providing insight into how coaching can provide the best impact this also enables us to measure progress. There are various methods available to assist in the measurement of individual and team development. We would like to work with you to understand the best approach for your particular team and organisation. We can leverage the existing tools you have used or recommend something that will suit your needs. We prefer to work with clients where we work together to ensure that we can measure progress and outcomes throughout the coaching.